Swiss Messianic Jewish Alliance (SMJA)
We welcome any person residing in Switzerland who wishes to become a member or an associate member.
We hope that your membership will be an occasion to enrich community life.
The status of membership is limited to persons of Jewish descent as well as those with a non- Jewish wife or husband.
The status of associate member is open to all who desire to support and get involved in the Alliance.
Basic act of Faith for all candidates
1. To believe in ONE God Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
2. To have accepted Yeshua as Messiah and personal Saviour and HIM alone.
3. To believe that by Yeshua’s sacrifice, our sins have been redeemed.
4. To believe in the divine nature and resurrection of Yeshua.
5. To have made a public confession of Faith, including full immersion / baptism.
6. To acknowledge the Holy Scriptures ” Tenach ” (OT ), and ” Brit Hadasha ” (NT), as the highest
commandments of faith and life.
7. To seek and pursue a life to the glory of God.
SMJA in a glimpse
1. We are an association of Jewish believers who have acknowledged Yeshua as Messiah, Lord and Savior.
2. We are members of various Congregations/ Churches believing in Yeshua.
3. We are seeking to unite Messianic Jews in fellowship and prayer to bear testimony to Yeshua.
4. Our desire is to support members in need of fellowship.
5. Our aim is to organize regional and national Conferences.